Introducing the designers

Our founders have a passion for creating and a love of sharing that passion with kids (of all ages). If you do too, join us and the rest of the STIX + BRIX family and start creating something of your own.

hi, we're matt + kenia
nice to meet you

We have created two separate ways to bring exciting and engaging architecture to our community.

Through 5 Architecture, our professional practice, we provide our clients with an intimate architect-client relationship and connect with our community through the development of projects in the commercial and residential sectors.

Additionally, our family life and events have led us to establish Stix + Brix, a creative hub where children can explore architecture through fun and educational activities. We believe in nurturing the potential of our youngest demographic, fostering a passion for architecture that could shape an exciting future. As a husband-and-wife team, our combined architecture and life experiences, coupled with our growing passion in the field, keep us constantly seeking new ways to expand the reach of ARCHITECTURE FOR EVERYONE.

Matt & Kenia Forget

We believe in exciting
and engaging architecture
for everyone.

5 architecture

Through 5 Architecture, a professional practice, we provide our clients with an intimate architect-client relationship and connect with our community through the development of commercial projects.

As a husband-and-wife team, our combined architecture and life experiences and our ever growing passion in the field, keep us reaching for new ways to broaden the reach of ARCHITECTURE FOR EVERYONE.

hot off the press